10 Top Tips to make a hand & foot print alphabet.


Woohoo our hand and foot print alphabet is finished- please see our complete alphabet below my top tips. Hope you like it.

Top Tips for making a hand and foot print alphabet.

  1. Get organised – this will save a lot of time. I jumped straight in and ended up painting Griffins foot brown 3 times when once would have done.
  2. Before you start make a list of all of the “items” that will make up your alphabet.
  3. Assign either hand or foot to each item.
  4. Assign a main colour to each item.
  5. Be conscious of phonics – I originally had “i is for ice cream” which is not phonic.
  6. Four legged animals are your friend.
  7. Add detail sparingly. I mostly just added small details with a Sharpie.
  8. If your child is young use distraction tactics occupy them whilst you paint and print.
  9. Don’t lay paint on too thick – it is just more paint to smudge.
  10. If all else fails a sleeping baby is a cooperative baby 😉

We are almost there : Foot & hand print alphabet.

Yes we are nearly there! It has been great fun making our foot and hand print alphabet. We have had lots of false starts along the way, so I will be adding hints and tips as to the best way to make your own hand and foot print alphabet when our project is complete.

In the meantime here are our latest letters.

foot and hand print alphabet elephantfoot and hand print alphabet jelly fishfoot and hand print alphabet goldfishfoot and hand print alphabet dinosaurfoot and hand print alphabet whalefoot and hand print alphabet flower

Update: Foot & hand print alphabet.

Our foot and hand print alphabet is coming along nicely. Griffin seems to be understanding more what he needs to do. With much practice our hand prints are definitely improving and we are no longer needing 5 plus attempts to get what we want. I must confess however on a couple of occasions I waited until he was asleep (eek).

I am so excited to get this project finished as I think it will look brilliant when we get our book made up.

Here are a few more of our letters.

foot print alphabet cathand print alphabet peacockfoot print alphabet nestfoot print alphabet ladybird

To see what we have done so far click herealphabet.


Foot & hand print alphabet, not quite as easy as a,b,c

I am always looking for fun things to do with Griffin which will encourage his development and painting has become a weekly messy play activity for us.

I saw a fantastic Facebook post where someone had used their child’s foot and hand prints to make pictures of the letters of the alphabet. Brilliant, I thought, this will combine messy play and letters. I swiftly headed to the craft box to get out all of the paints and get started on our very own foot and hand print alphabet.

Things did not immediately go to plan. Have you ever tried to get a 9 month old to hold
their hand in one position for more than a millisecond?


The first hour was spent mainly with him covering himself in red paint whilst I desperately tried to get our alphabet started with “A is for Apple”.  The dining room was beginning to look like a crime scene. Finally we got the hang of it (reams of paper and gallons of paint later). Here are a few of our efforts.

hand print applefoot print beefoot print mouseviolin foot print

This was certainly not as easy as ABC but we are getting there. My final intention is to make an alphabet book of the prints that Griffin and I can enjoy when the time comes.

When we have finished our project I will post the alphabet in full.