10 Top Tips to make a hand & foot print alphabet.


Woohoo our hand and foot print alphabet is finished- please see our complete alphabet below my top tips. Hope you like it.

Top Tips for making a hand and foot print alphabet.

  1. Get organised – this will save a lot of time. I jumped straight in and ended up painting Griffins foot brown 3 times when once would have done.
  2. Before you start make a list of all of the “items” that will make up your alphabet.
  3. Assign either hand or foot to each item.
  4. Assign a main colour to each item.
  5. Be conscious of phonics – I originally had “i is for ice cream” which is not phonic.
  6. Four legged animals are your friend.
  7. Add detail sparingly. I mostly just added small details with a Sharpie.
  8. If your child is young use distraction tactics occupy them whilst you paint and print.
  9. Don’t lay paint on too thick – it is just more paint to smudge.
  10. If all else fails a sleeping baby is a cooperative baby 😉

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